Thursday, June 2, 2011

EOC;Week 9: Three great mission statements

 First mission statement that I thought was a great one is Noe Velez’s his read “Elaborated with refined european grains, and a small quantity of caffeine is added.” I liked how Noe used the term “elaborate” and I also liked the idea of a caffeinated vodka. The second Mission statement I read was Grover Clevelands’s it simply stated “The mission of Verb Vodka is to give a quality beverage to accent a good time, as well as promoting responsibility when consuming  alcoholic beverages and participating in sexual activities’ I like the whole idea in general, because we all know what happens when there are guys and girls hanging out and theres alcohol present. The third Mission statement that I found interesting is Vannesa Chantals statement “Ano Makana” I just love the name and the meaning behind it. It sounds exotic and it leads to the imagination and makes the consumer want to find out more information on the product.

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